How does Tweek sort tasks?

By default, the tasks in the Tweek have the following order (from top to bottom):

  • Google Calendar all-day event
  • Google Calendar time event
  • Apple Reminders time event
  • Apple Reminders event
  • Tweek task
  • Tweek recurring task


  • Yesterday's tasks are moved to today in random order
  • If the sorting was manually changed in the day, it changes the whole order of tasks

If you change the order of tasks within a day, where will a new task from Google Calendar or Apple Reminders be added?

  1. If you moved regular tasks to the top of the list, before the Google Calendar tasks — then Apple Reminders with time will be placed according to their time, in between the Google Calendar tasks with time that have not been moved.
  2. Apple Reminders without time will be placed after the unmoved Google Calendar tasks, but before the Tweek tasks.
  3. If the order of tasks within a day is disrupted and all tasks are mixed up, the Google Calendar tasks or Apple Reminders will be placed in any position within the day.